Friday 8
October 1999
We stayed too late last night basking in Birna’s boreal
aurora, and decided to sleep in a while and leave at 9:00. We wandered into the
book and music store and spent too much time browsing, and left even later.
Snow had fallen overnight, a dusting in town that melted off with the
rising sun, quite a lot on the mountains that did not. Akureyri sits near the
head of a fjord with spectacular mountains on either side, and the fresh snow
and clear sky gave the country a new brilliant aspect.
We headed up the
west side of the fjord, having decided to circle the peninsula between
Eyjafjörður and Skagafjörður. The road climbed up away from the water and
quickly became icy. At the top of the hill was a tunnel, not apparent on the
map, which cut through the mountain to the interior of the peninsula. The tunnel
was a single lane, with turnouts, 3.4km long, with jagged walls cut from the
naked rock. On the other side, we descended into a vale entirely covered with
snow. The treacherous road made me hold my breath; the view took it away. At one
point I stepped out of the car to take a picture. Standing in the chilly
silence, I felt immersed in this white world, unsheathed from the rental car.
The rest of the day was spent driving and stopping for pictures. The
road cleared at lower elevations. We saw some rocky islets in Skagafjörður,
similar to Rocher Percé and Île Bonaventure off the Gaspé Peninsula. We took a
break in Sauðárkrókur, a fishing village at the head of the fjord. The road iced
up through another pass, but we arrived safely in Reykjavík at about 8:00 and
found the Kaffi Brennslan for dinner and a beer or three. This is beer heaven in
Reykjavík, with more than a hundred different bottles available. A Sam Smith’s
Nut Brown Ale is no more expensive than anything else. If only Birna had served
it to me, this would be heaven indeed.
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