Friday 6 October 2006--I’m human again! Not bad, only three days of jet lag.
This morning I go have a look at Kirkcudbright. It’s a nice enough town, on the water, lots of art
galleries–they say everyone here is either a fisherman or an artist. The sun plays hide-and-seek, mostly hide.
I visit Gatehouse of Fleet, and the sun won’t come out at all as I try to photograph the restored mill there.
Back up the road are the remains of two chambered tombs called Cairnholy I and II. These have been on my radar
screen for a long time. They remind me more of tombs seen in Ireland than anything I’ve seen elsewhere in Scotland.
The sun gives me but a few tantalizing seconds to work with.
Up the road toward New Galloway, I visit Bruce’s Stone. Supposedly Robert Bruce rested against this
boulder after a successful guerilla action against the English. Mr Tattie Heid has always been partial to the Bruce,
since that is his own given name.
Returning to the Machars, I have a look at the Torhouse Stone circle. The signboard compares it to the
recumbent stone circles of Aberdeenshire, but I don’t think the comparison is valid–it’s quite different. Interesting
enough, though, and the sun cooperates just long enough for a few photos.