Sunday, 12 October 2008 A fair bit of mileage to do today. Leave Reeth up Arkengarthdale, past the Tan Hill Inn, down toward
Penrith. On the way down, get caught behind a herd of sheep being moved from one pasture to another. I don't mind; I love watching the
border collies work. No doubt the sheep farmers are anxious to go back to the old pasture with their little baggies and clean up after their
charges, as any responsible animal owner would.
Miss the exit ramp to the last-chance English petrol station on the motorway --£1.039/litre. Get off instead just before Gretna and
find a station where I pay £1.069. Over the border in Scotland, I see £1.089--doubt I'll see that low again.
I cut through Dumfries on my way to Sweetheart Abbey. This is Robert Burns country, a region I've neglected, for no good reason. I
did try to book a room in Dumfries once, on one of my early trips, but there was none to be had--there was an AA convention in. I
guess they come annually, in early October. I recall thinking that the pubs would be pretty quiet that week, but I've been told they're
actually quite busy. If alcohol sales are a bit short that weekend, staff are happy, I imagine, not to be dealing with the usual drunks.
I have a nice chat with the lady manning the booth at Sweetheart--there's a joke in there, but we'll let it pass--and get my shots.
After the small and featureless Easby and Egglestone, the warm red sandstone of this, the last Cistercian house built in Scotland, makes an
appealing subject. Like all of Scotland's southern abbeys, it suffered during the wars with England, but not so badly as those in the
I intend to visit Sweetheart's mother house, Dundrennan, today, as well, but when I reach the turnoff, I decide to bypass it and go
back tomorrow. It's getting late in the afternoon, and I feel really tired. Regret the decision as soon as I realize how far I still am from
Isle of Whithorn--another 50 miles yet. It'll cost me in mileage and time tomorrow, and maybe the day after.
Get in at about 4:15, take an hour's nap, and eat dinner--pork loins with haggis. Very quiet in the Steampacket tonight. I
really like it here, but it's a long way from anywhere. Well, Bladnoch's just up the road. Will see them tomorrow.