21 November 2023

The North Atlantic Arc Home
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 Re

Tuesday 21 November 2023--It's moving day, but I'm only going twelve miles down the road, to Wellington. It's a dreich day as well, chilly and drizzly and blustery, so I check out as late as possible, and then go hang out at the local Tim Hortons for a while.

I drive down to Point Petre, the southernmost point of the county, to see what I can see. The dirt road leading down ends in a cul-de-sac. To the left is a fenced-off area with some sort of military communications facility at the center; to the right is a lighthouse, also with restricted access. It's a modern structure, anyway, not particularly picturesque--the original 19th-century stone tower was demolished more than fifty years ago. Straight ahead, a track runs through the scrubby growth a few hundred feet to the shore. There's a huge puddle right at the start, and for a moment, I think I'm going to give up on getting past it, but I manage to tiptoe around. At the water's edge, it seems at first that it wasn't worth the bother; there's nothing to witness but the wind, the waves, and the weather. It's enough to hold me for several minutes. Navigating around this point was a major hazard, back before the opening of the Murray Canal, and living here wasn't particularly pleasant for the lighthouse keeper, either, as the land is low and flat and prone to flooding, and not really useful for much of anything.

Off north...I have a quick look at Outlet Beach. I might take a walk on the long beach at Sandbanks Provincial Park, the showpiece of Prince Edward County, but today isn't the day for it. I note that the gate is closed at the road down to the main parking area, anyway. Drive around the back of West Lake and arrive in Wellington a little too early to check in at my lodgings. Kill some time with a pint at Midtown Brewing Company, just across the street.

My suite is very nice, and not too terribly expensive. I relax a while, then have dinner and pints back at Midtown. Wellington is rather small, but I like it.


From Picton to Wellington

Picton Harbour

Point Petre Parking

Point Petre Puddle

Point Petre Path

Point Petre Pinnipeds
Okay, not really

Point Petre Panorama

Outlet Beach

Wellington Suite


19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 Re

The North Atlantic Arc Home

Mr Tattie Heid's Mileage

Results may vary
