Six Ways To Fundy

12 May 2022

The North Atlantic Arc Home
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Thursday 12 May 2022--Lazy day. The weather has so far been spectacular, and it's clear and sunny again today, but for the first time on my trip, it's warmer than I'd like. The area back of Wolfville, along the Cornwallis River, is polderized, like Grand-Pré, and I take a stroll a little way along the dike. (They prefer the spelling "dyke" here; that has a connotation in American English that I'd rather avoid.) Then I go have a look around town.

Pop into The Odd Book, a used bookstore with an impressive inventory, well organized. I look through the several shelves of books on local history and such, and then look to see what there might be of Scottish interest, several aisles over. There's a copy of Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, and I figure that's something I ought to have on my bookshelf. I'd like to look around more, but my feet are very sore from yesterday's walk, and standing around is the worst thing for it. Maybe I'll come back tomorrow.

I have a look around Wolfville's Old Burial Ground. Most of the stones are too weathered to read. There's an information panel with an index of burials, among which I find one Seaman, Edward, who died in infancy. I can't make sense enough of the accompanying chart to find the stone. It doesn't really matter.

Hang around in a café for a bit, then decide to take a nap back in the room. A while later, I take a drive along the shore of the Avon River, to Hantsport, stopping first at the view park above Grand-Pré again--I quite like that view. Hantsport seems like a nice quiet town; not much of interest to see, aside from a very large and somewhat incongruous industrial plant of some sort. [I look it up later: it's one of five facilities across Canada of CKF, "Proud manufacturers of food service, disposable tableware and food packaging products since 1933," pulp and foam and PET; their website touts their ongoing move toward compostable products.] I poke down some side roads to see beaches and dikes, then stop at Horton Ridge for a pint or two--they're open for real this afternoon. Back in Wolfville, I finish my evening at Church Brewing. I didn't really see or do much today, but I don't mind; I'm happy just to soak up the atmosphere of this lovely corner of Nova Scotia.




On The Dike

On The Dike

Old Burial Ground

Old Burial Ground


Oak Island Road

Oak Island Dike

Boot Island And Cape Blomidon


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The North Atlantic Arc Home

Mr Tattie Heid's Mileage

Results may vary