Six Ways To Fundy

24 May 2022

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Tuesday 24 May 2022--I know you have been wondering all this time: what are the six ways to Fundy? Good question. They might be

•The six towns I stayed in on Fundy tidewater--Saint John, Annapolis Royal, Wolfville, Parrsboro, Moncton, Alma, and Saint Andrews. (Oops, that's seven.)

•The six bay-feeding rivers on whose banks I stayed--Saint John, Annapolis, Cornwallis, Petitcodiac, and St Croix. (Um, five.)

•The six disciplines through which I learned about the bay and its surroundings--history, geology, oceanography, climatology, botany, archaeology, genealogy, paleontology, physics, zymurgy....

Okay, the fact is it's just a play on words, a riff on the expression "six ways to Sunday", and a title I've had in mind for a trip like this for years. It occurs to me that if I'm going to use that phrase, I should look up its origins and derivation. According to Michael Quinion's delightful word-nerd website, World Wide Words, no one knows either, nor the definitive form of it--he cites "four different ways from Sunday, eight ways from Tuesday, forty ways till Sunday, and a thousand ways for Sunday," among others of various number, preposition, and day of the week, that have been passed down through the past three or four centuries. It appears that my particular preference was influenced by the 1999 film Six Ways to Sunday, starring Deborah Harry, although I've never seen it, and don't even remember ever hearing of it. The meaning of the phrase has morphed through the years, as well, from "willy-nilly" or "in all directions", to "confused" or "at a loss", to, finally, "thoroughly" or "in every possible way". You may very well have an opinion as to which connotation best applies to the travels of Mr Tattie Heid and the descriptions thereof, here presented.

There is only one direction today, homeward, and after a short stroll on Saint Andrews' pier, I head off. Cross the border outside St Stephen, and fuel up at the Irving in Baileyville. I filled up last in Truro, and was hoping to make it to the other end of the Airline Road, where diesel is twenty cents per gallon cheaper; the extra trips to Bouctouche and Hopewell have left me short. And now it's 400 miles home, pretty much nonstop, but for a short break at the Kennebunk rest area. There is time to reflect on a successful trip--it was really good to get out again. I'm already thinking about my first trip in three years across the North Atlantic Arc, in three months. See you there.



Commentary, conversation, contradiction, criticism, chit-chat:

Homeward Bound

Bronze Whale

St Andrews

St Andrews

The Algonquin


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A Timeline of Historical Events
mentioned in this journal

1604 Dugua and Champlain settle on Île Ste-Croix

1605 Champlain relocates colony to Port-Royal

1607 Port-Royal temporarily disbanded

1610 Port-Royal reinhabited by Sieur de Poutrincourt (with Charles de Saint-Étienne de la Tour along)

1613 Port-Royal destroyed by British

1629 A company of Scots led by William Alexander build Charles Fort at current site of Fort Anne, Annapolis Royal

1632 Acadia ceded back to France, Port-Royal re-established at site of Charles Fort

1645 Charles de Menou d'Aulnay captures Fort La Tour and executes the entire garrison

1650 D'Aulnay dies; Charles de Saint-Étienne de la Tour becomes governor of Acadia

1664 (approx) Melanson Settlement founded

1680 (approx) Acadians settle Grand-Pré

1710 British capture Port Royal, establish Annapolis Royal

1713 French cede Acadia to British

1746 The disastrous Duc d'Anville Expedition

1749 Founding of Halifax by Edward Cornwallis

1749-55 Father Le Loutre's War

1750 Acadians abandon Beaubassin

1755 British capture Fort Beauséjour, commence Expulsion of the Acadians

1760 New England Planters settle Horton Township

1766 The Lovey lands at The Bend with the families of Matthias Sommer and seven others

1783 Rear Admiral Robert Digby and 1200 Loyalists arrive at Annapolis Basin and found the town of Digby

1783 Black Loyalists, including Rose Fortune, arrive in Nova Scotia (among many other places)

1838 Acadia University (Wolfville) founded

1842 Charles Lyell visits Joggins Fossil Cliffs (also 1852)

1843 William Cornelius Van Horne born in Illinois

1845 Franklin sets sail for the Northwest Passage

1847 Longfellow's Evangeline published

1891 Van Horne purchases property on Ministers Island

1899 KC Irving born

1912 Halifax aids Titanic victims

1917 Halifax Explosion

1922 Memorial church built at Grand-Pré

1939-41 Port-Royal Habitation replica built

1958 Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park opens

1995 Dennison Tate starts public programs at Cape Enrage

2014 Franklin ship Erebus found

2016 Franklin ship Terror found

2022 Mr Tattie Heid publishes fascinating travelogue Six Ways to Fundy

Mr Tattie Heid's Mileage

Results may vary