Slow Boat to Lofoten

20 September 2022

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Tuesday 20 September 2022--I was thinking of going for a drive today, but I sleep in too late to do what I had in mind. Decide to hang around town instead. We travel so that we can do things we can't at home...I fall a little short on doing things sometimes, especially on a first visit to a place. But just as important to me, maybe more, is simply to be in a place, to take in the feeling of it. The last place I spent a whole week was Islay, in 2018, and at the end of the week, I found myself wishing I'd booked two weeks. I'm starting to feel that way here. Part of the reason I'd booked a week's stay here was because I figured it would be a once-in-a-lifetime trip. I'm already wondering why I shouldn't return.

Walk out the one road I missed in my exploration the other day, through a residential area close to my lodgings. There's a new U-shaped street with a few new houses on it, and a dozen lots ready for more. Out at the end, there's a small cluster of dilapidated industrial buildings, long boarded up. There are indications that some work is about to commence on them. I think they'd make a nice small hotel, with a restaurant and bar. And a brewpub! I suppose that wouldn't suit the neighborhood. Condos or apartments, maybe. Whoever moves in there will have a gorgeous view.

Over in the "downtown" area, I find a couple of other properties in the process of redevelopment. I'm mildly surprised that the entire village isn't already maxed out. Space is at a premium--I've noticed at least one spot where a lot is being expanded with fill.

I pop into Henningsvær Lysstøperi & Kafé for lunch. Google translate says "lysstøperi" is "light foundry". I don't know if that's light as opposed to heavy, or light as opposed to dark...they make candles, so maybe the latter. A bowl of fish soup costs $20, but it's really good. I'm trying not to think about the price of everything all the time...just do it and don't look back.

There's a poster outside another café, Klatrekaféen, for a musical performance this evening by two accordionists, Håvard Svendsrud and Øivind Farmen. I ask inside about the repertoire. The girl at the counter doesn't really know. Well, what the long as it isn't '90s disco or ABBA covers. I head back to my room for a rest and an early dinner, then return for the show. The music isn't the Norwegian folk tunes I'm really hoping for, but classical and light classical-- Bach, Mendelssohn, Verdi, waltzes and mazurkas. Very enjoyable, although I have no idea what they're talking about between pieces. I'm happy...I'd never have stumbled on this if I'd gone for a drive today.


Back Yard

Mr Tattie Heid's Lofoten Hotel & Brewery
Drag the green dot to the right

Brewhouse And Hotel
Work in progress

Restaurant And Hotel
Work in progress



Water Views!

Vakthusøya And Lilje Vakthusøya

Lilje Vakthusøya, Paulsenholmen, And Ramnbergholmen


View West


My place at left on long balcony




...In Progress




We've done this view before, haven't we?

Gone Fishing


Mountain Light


Evening Light

Håvard Svendsrud & Øivind Farmen


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The North Atlantic Arc Home

Mr Tattie Heid's Mileage

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