Tuesday 20 September 2022--I was thinking of going for a drive today, but I
sleep in too late to do what I had in mind. Decide to hang around town instead.
We travel so that we can do things we can't at home...I fall a little short on doing
things sometimes, especially on a first visit to a place. But just as important to
me, maybe more, is simply to be in a place, to take in the feeling of it. The last
place I spent a whole week was Islay, in 2018, and at the end of the week, I found
myself wishing I'd booked two weeks. I'm starting to feel that way here. Part of
the reason I'd booked a week's stay here was because I figured it would be a
once-in-a-lifetime trip. I'm already wondering why I shouldn't return.
Walk out the one road I missed in my exploration the other day, through a
residential area close to my lodgings. There's a new U-shaped street with a few
new houses on it, and a dozen lots ready for more. Out at the end, there's a
small cluster of dilapidated industrial buildings, long boarded up. There are
indications that some work is about to commence on them. I think they'd make a
nice small hotel, with a restaurant and bar. And a brewpub! I suppose that
wouldn't suit the neighborhood. Condos or apartments, maybe. Whoever moves
in there will have a gorgeous view.
Over in the "downtown" area, I find a couple of other properties in the process
of redevelopment. I'm mildly surprised that the entire village isn't already maxed
out. Space is at a premium--I've noticed at least one spot where a lot is being
expanded with fill.
I pop into Henningsvær Lysstøperi & Kafé for lunch. Google translate says "lysstøperi" is "light foundry". I don't know if that's light as opposed to heavy, or
light as opposed to dark...they make candles, so maybe the latter. A bowl of fish
soup costs $20, but it's really good. I'm trying not to think about the price of
everything all the time...just do it and don't look back.
There's a poster outside another café, Klatrekaféen, for a musical performance
this evening by two accordionists, Håvard Svendsrud and Øivind Farmen. I ask
inside about the repertoire. The girl at the counter doesn't really know. Well,
what the heck...as long as it isn't '90s disco or ABBA covers. I head back to my
room for a rest and an early dinner, then return for the show. The music isn't the
Norwegian folk tunes I'm really hoping for, but classical and light classical--
Bach, Mendelssohn, Verdi, waltzes and mazurkas. Very enjoyable, although I
have no idea what they're talking about between pieces. I'm happy...I'd never
have stumbled on this if I'd gone for a drive today.
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