Saturday 5 September 2015--I do well, I think, to be off by 10:30 this
morning. Au revoir to Marc--he has the rest of the weekend to get ready to go
back to work. I skirt Vieux Québec to take Boulevard Champlain to the bridge,
not the fastest way out of town, but it runs close by the river. The parks and
bicycle paths along here were installed as part of a general sprucing-up in
advance of the city's 400th anniversary, in 2008.
Cross the bridge and continue along upriver on the Route des Navigateurs. I
would like to follow route 132 all the way back to Sorel and backtrack up the
opposite side of the Rivière Richelieu, perhaps spending another night
somewhere along the way. If the motel I stayed at in Chambly had had a vacancy,
I'd have booked it before leaving there. Instead, I've left it up in the air.
Stop to have a look around the pretty village of Saint-Antoine-de-Tilly. After
that, it's mostly empty road, dotted by a few sleepy villages, for a long way. This
stretch of the St Lawrence is lined by high bluffs, and the road is set back a bit,
so views are sporadic. Toward Bécancour, the shoreline levels out, and
presently there are nice views of Cap-de-la-Madeleine and Trois-Rivières.
When I reach Nicolet at 1:30, I consider turning south and heading for home.
Instead, I continue on the 132. The road is now far from the marshy shore of
Lac St-Pierre, and there are no views. At Sorel, another hour or so along, I
decide to pick up the autoroutes 30, 10, and 35 to St-Jean-sur-Richelieu,
rather than drive up along the river, to save time. I'm doing this all half-assed--I
should either have lit out for home, or taken the time to see what I wanted to see,
and stay out another night. My indecision serves neither purpose well.
From St-Jean, I cut through Iberville and travel down the eastern bank of the
Richelieu, another road that turns out not to be very scenic. Cross the border
at Alburg, Vermont at 4:30, drive back down through the Hero Islands, and pick
up the Interstate. Thought I'd make it home without fueling up again, but am very
close to running dry when I stop in Northampton. I'm home at 9:30, after a long
and not very satisfactory day of driving.
Win and I depart for Copenhagen in exactly four weeks.