Wednesday 28 August 2019--It's a rainy day, and I have no qualms about
sleeping in on the first day of my trip. Get up late in the morning and have
breakfast, bagel with cream cheese and orange juice, bought at an IGA on the
way here yesterday. Then settle in with a pot of coffee and some reading. At
about 2:00, I decide it would be worthwhile to visit cidréries in Rougemont.
Domaine Cartier-Potelle, a couple miles northwest of the village center, has
orchards and vineyards. There's a small but modern building with a stylish
reception area and bar downstairs, and a lounge/gallery upstairs. I enjoy a glass
of sparkling cider while looking out over the orchard.
Domaine de Lavoie, closer in, has larger buildings with handsome metal roofs,
but the reception area is rather stark. In addition to wine and apple cider, they
advertise pear products, but the poire de glace I'm interested in is unavailable.
La Cidrerie du Village, in the village, seems a more old-fashioned affair. Their
plant is on one side of the main street; the reception and shop, which looks like
it was originally a produce stand, is across. Their sparkling cider has a peculiar
pungent note that takes me a while to place--it reminds me of the dry sherry that
me dear old mum was so fond of. Can't say I'm crazy about it.
I purchase sparkling cider and cidre de glace--ice cider--at all three places. I'd
say I liked them in exactly the order visited.
Back in Chambly, I take an hour's nap--rough day!--and then go out in search
of dinner. There are four or five nice-looking restaurants along the main drag,
but they all seem rather pricey for what they are. The microbrasseries have only
snacks and amuses-bouches. I settle for a panini at Bedondaine & Bedons
Ronds. I'll have to think of something else for tomorrow.
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