Nothing Like The Sun

2 May 2024

The North Atlantic Arc Home
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Thursday 2 May 2024--It seems to be standard strategy to do pretty much nothing the last day in Dingle, so we are not particularly disappointed by drizzly weather. We're standing on the sidewalk contemplating getting into the car to go to Kruger's or Páidí Ó Sé's or both, when I suggest we simply cross the street and hang out in Dick Mack's for the afternoon. And so we do.

We have dinner at the Fish Box, a few doors up the street. The chips come with a bottle of "non-brewed condiment". I've heard of this stuff--the late great guitarist Allan Holdsworth named a piece of music after it--but I've never actually seen any before, and had assumed that it wasn't anything you'd find in a reputable restaurant like the Fish Box. It's a cheap substitute for malt vinegar that was originally labeled "non-brewed vinegar" before a legal ruling in 1949 determined that the use of the V word was misleading. It isn't terrible.

We go to Foxy John's for our last pints. The lads are headed to Shannon in the morning for their flight home. I'm going to Tralee, which is on their way, but they need to leave early, and I don't, so I'll take the bus. We say our goodbyes before retiring to our respective guesthouses.


Dick Mack's

Dick Mack's

Green Street

Dick Mack's

Dick Mack's


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The North Atlantic Arc Home

Mr Tattie Heid's Mileage

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